Monday, October 6, 2008


If all you have around to eat for lunch is an eighth of an inch of petrified peanut butter, a pair of congealed anchovies, a box of green jello with a ten-year-old sell-by date, what do you do?  If you live in the Big City (as do I) you take a short walk to your favorite diner, your idealized diner, that perfect diner! If you are suburban or rural, there is no help for it:  you will have to take that short drive to the Mall, but in that case ,writers anyway, beware!  The bargain aisles in Malls, I have discovered, are far more seductive than the banks and shoe repair places you may pass in the Big City on your way to THE diner. Writing is an Alternate State, as we all know.  You must halfway- stay in that fragile bubble whilst you have your first cuppa, chomp that lettuce, creatively eavesdrop...


Claudia Carlson said...

Yes, that "bubble" state of consciousness is rather like walking with an egg balanced on ones forehead... great entry.

Deborah Atherton said...

Writing IS an alternate state, and oddly enough, most often achieved somewhere that isn't the alloted desk. Like in a diner, or walking down 42nd Street, or while doing the laundry - it's mysterious. I like the idea of creative eavesdropping - and it gives you an answer when someone asks, "But where do you get your ideas?"